Carbon Neutral

Rode RAGE has been able to be carbon Neutral over our history through:

100% Carbon Neutral
Davos Worm Farms

Davo's Worm Farms

Organic Waste:
Rode RAGE partners with local worm farm Davo’s Worm Farms , Ballarat Health Services, McCain Foods and St John of God Hospital to divert large amounts of organic food waste from landfill, feed it to the worms and then return it to local soils.

This process produces massive savings in greenhouse emissions and is significantly improving the productivity of local farms and market gardens and producing more nutritious and healthy food products.

CO2 Australia

CO2 Australia

Rode RAGE has partnered with CO2 Australia which is Australia’s leading environmental services company, delivering projects nation-wide since 2004.

CO2 Australia have planted a forest of Mallee Eucalypts near Wagga Wagga to capture enough carbon to offset all our emissions.

They are a wholly Australian-owned environmental consultancy dedicated to providing solutions for clients to maximise positive outcomes and minimise environmental impacts.